Significance and necessity in the “future society where life shines” in 2050
The mainstreaming of environmentally friendly materials and processes, and the spread of recyclable and biodegradable plating, will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society. In addition, in the area of energy conservation, the development of plating technology that can process with significantly less electricity and the development of plating processes that minimize the use of hazardous substances will also contribute to the realization of carbon neutrality.
AI-driven manufacturing will analyze big data and accelerate the optimization of plating processes and processing conditions as well as the development of new plating materials through simulations. In addition, by linking with IoT technology, remote monitoring and automation of plating equipment will be realized, contributing to improved data management and production efficiency, and improving the reliability of traceability.
The technology of “plating” has been improved to enrich our lives and has developed to the present day. With the introduction of robots, heavy labor and dangerous work will be performed by robots, and manufacturing that combines human and robotic technology will be realized.
How will plating technology evolve and provide sustainable products and services in society in 2050?
技術面の進化 Technological advancements
高度な機能性めっき: 表面硬度、耐摩耗性、耐腐食性が飛躍的に向上し、過酷な環境下でも使用できるめっきが実現するでしょう。また、自己修復機能を持つめっき(例えば、大きな橋の橋脚など錆びによる腐食の危険があるものに対して、自己修復機能をもつめっき皮膜)や、汚れが付きにくいめっきなど、様々な機能を持っためっきが開発されることが期待されます。
Highly functional plating: Surface hardness, abrasion resistance, and corrosion resistance will be dramatically improved, and plating that can be used in harsh environments will be realized. In addition, it is expected that plating with various functions will be developed, such as plating with self-repairing function (for example, plating film with self-repairing function for items at risk of corrosion due to rust, such as piers of large bridges) and plating that is resistant to dirt.
ナノテクノロジーとの融合: ナノスケールの制御により、従来のめっきでは実現できなかった高度な機能が実現されます。例えば、年々気温が上昇する地球温暖化に対して、住居の屋根や外壁・建材などに温度を一定に保つ機能を持っためっきを施すことが挙げられます。
Fusion with nanotechnology: Nanoscale control allows for advanced functions that could not be achieved with conventional plating. For example, in response to global warming, which causes temperatures to rise year by year, plating that can keep temperatures constant can be applied to the roofs, exterior walls, and building materials of houses.
Super water repellent: 150℃ or higher |
その他にも、超撥水性、超親水性、導電性、絶縁性など様々な特性を付与することが可能です。また、ナノ粒子やナノチューブなどを用いた複合材料の開発も進み、めっきの性能をさらに高めることが期待されます。 In addition, it is possible to impart various other properties such as super-water repellency, super-hydrophilicity, electrical conductivity, insulation, etc. In addition, the development of composite materials using nanoparticles and nanotubes is also progressing, and it is expected that the performance of plating will be further improved.
Super hydrophilic: 40℃ or less |
3Dプリンティングとの連携: 3Dプリンティング技術とめっき技術を組み合わせることで、 3Dプリント後の選択的なめっき技術は、3Dプリントされた部品の特定の部分にのみメッキを施すことで、機能性と軽量化を両立できます。また、3Dプリント中にめっき材料を混入することで、新しい特性を持つ複合材料を開発できます。3Dプリンティングの自由な形状設計能力と、めっき技術の組み合わせにより、従来では困難だった形状へのめっきが可能になります。空飛ぶ車への搭載、体内スキャンを活用した健康管理、パーソナライズされためっき製品の製造が可能になります。
Collaboration with 3D printing: By combining 3D printing technology with plating technology, selective plating technology after 3D printing can plate only specific parts of 3D printed parts, achieving both functionality and weight reduction. In addition, by mixing plating materials during 3D printing, composite materials with new properties can be developed. The combination of 3D printing’s free shape design capability and plating technology makes it possible to plate shapes that were previously difficult to achieve. This will enable the installation of flying cars, health management using internal scans, and the production of personalized plated products.
サービス面の進化 Evolution of services
In terms of service, customers and companies are constantly connected online, and the system allows for one-click receipt, ordering, and payment. Customer feedback and complaints are instantly sent to the production site, where they are analyzed by AI and improvement measures are reflected in the system. This shows the need for initiatives to increase customer satisfaction. Plating technology will continue to evolve and contribute to a better life and the development of society.
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